Spécialiste des feux de balisage aérien

Pylons beaconing

Whatever the pylon function, every high structure has to be marked by an obstruction light, depending the height and the painting of the obstacle.

The number of obstacle lights and their arrangement on the pylon shall be such that the structure is indicated from every angle in azimuth.

If one of the beacons set up on the pylon is not visible from one direction, one or more aircraft warning lights shall be added on it, in order to insure the beaconing of its complete contour.

Pylons beaconing implementation

If a pylon has on its top an equipment such as an antenna or rod higher than 12 meters, the structure has to be equipped of a medium intensity obstacle light MIOL A on the top of the antenna or rod when it is possible.

In the case of several pylons spaced by a 900 meters distance, the beaconing system shall be synchronised by a GPS system.

Pylons beaconing less than 45 meters

Balisage aérien nocturne sur pylône de

A low intensity obstacle light LIOL B red steady burning (32 cd) at the top of the pylon has to be lighted the night.

Pylons beaconing between 45 and 150 meters

In the case of an unpainted pylon, it is necessary to set up at the top a medium intensity obstacle light MIOL AB (white 20.000 cd for day / red 2.000 cd for night) and an obstruction light LIOL B 32 cd in the middle of the structure.
If the pylon is higher than 105 meters, you have to add a beacon MIOL AB and a beacon LIOL B every 52 meters maximum.

Pylons beaconing over 150 meters (no painting)

Balisage aérien diurne et nocturne d'un pylône non marqué de >45m de hauteur

Upper 150 meters, the pylon has to be beaconed by a high intensity obstacle light HIOL A (200.000 cd day / 20.000 cd night) at its top, and every 105 meters.

Painted pylons beaconing over 150 meters

Balisage aérien nocturne des pylônes marqués de >45m de hauteur

Higher than 150 meters, if the pylon is painted red and white, it has to be beaconed with minimum two levels of MIOL AB, at a 105 meters maximal distance, and two intermediary levels of LIOL B.

Associated products
  • LIOL B balise d'obstacle aérien basse intensité / obstruction light low intensity

    LIOL A – Low intensity

  • LIOL B balise d'obstacle aérien basse intensité / obstruction light low intensity

    LIOL B – Low intensity

  • MIOL A – Safe area

  • Balise d'obstacle aérien MIOL B

    MIOL B – Safe area

  • MIOL-C – Safe area

  • Balise d'obstacle moyenne intensité type AB / Medium intensity obstruction light type AB

    MIOL AB – Obstruction light


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