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Tunis: the Culture Tower lighted by PROMIC obstruction light

At the heart of the Culture City inaugurated the 20th October in Tunis, the Tower is marked at night by a low intensity beacon.

The obstacle to be lighted

Raised in the city centre of Tunis in Tunisia, the Culture Tower is part of a new wide cultural complex including an opera of 1.800 seats, several auditorium and cultural spaces, and a national museum of arts.

Following an architecture competition, the architect Riadh Bahri leads the project: the tower in the centre of the cultural City is made with 4 high columns of 60 meters high, supporting in the centre a large glass sphere.

The beaconing solution

Despite the localisation in the middle of the city of Tunis, the Tower needed to be marked with a nocturnal obstruction lighting. Indeed, as the airport of Tunis-Carthage is located at less of 7km from the Culture City, the high Tower had to be lighted to warn aircraft navigation.

The building has been equipped at the top with a nocturnal low intensity LIOL B. The beacon is controlled by a power supply cabinet at the bottom of the tower, indicating by a fault LED light on the frontage to indicate if the light does not work.

All the PROMIC team is proud of this new international collaboration, and thanks the company SOTECA ELECTRIC for the trust that has been placed in our work.

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