Spécialiste des feux de balisage aérien

Medium intensity obstacle lights

Medium intensity obstruction lights are used for diurnal and/or nocturnal beaconing.
Medium intensity aircraft warning lights are divided into 4 classes in compliance with ICAO rules:

  • Type A: diurnal light: white flashing, 20.000 cd (reference ICAO MIOL A)
  • Type B: nocturnal light: red flashing, 2.000 cd (reference ICAO MIOL B)
  • Type C: nocturnal light: red steady burning, 2.000 cd (reference ICAO MIOL C)
  • Type AB: diurnal/nocturnal light: white flashing for day (20.000 cd) and red flashing for night (2.000 cd), with twilight sensor (reference ICAO MIOL AB)

Medium intensity obstacle lights can be used alone or in combination with low intensity obstruction lights.
For the beaconing of extended areas, or group of close objects, the medium intensity AWL shall be put at longitudinal intervals that do not exceed 900 meters.
Medium intensity LXS beacons are available in safe areas and ATEX areas, in voltage 24, 48VDC or 230VAC.

Associated products
  • MIOL A – Safe area

  • Balise d'obstacle aérien MIOL B

    MIOL B – Safe area

  • MIOL-C – Safe area

  • Balise d'obstacle moyenne intensité type AB / Medium intensity obstruction light type AB

    MIOL AB – Obstruction light

  • Beaconing kit for wind measurement mast


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