Spécialiste des feux de balisage aérien

The kit for wind measurement mast:

the perfect beaconing solution for these high structures

Wind measurement masts: isolated obstructions for aircrafts

Set up before the building of a wind turbine or wind farm, the wind measurement masts are instruments made to establish if the wind potential of the area is sufficient or not.

With high heights, mostly from 90 to 120 meters, wind measurement masts are located in deserted areas, isolated from any electrical installations.

The PROMIC kit for wind measurement masts aims to mark these high structures by answering to different issues they involve.

What is the beaconing kit for wind measurement masts?

The kit includes two LED obstacle lights: LIOL B 24V and MIOL B 24V, to be installed at the middle and at the top of the mast.

An Inox cabinet, to put underground next to the mast, containing two batteries, insures a better power supply against low temperatures.

The monocristalline solar pannel guarantees the perfect autonomy of the beacons, as the wind measurement masts are implemented in rural areas without power access.

For more information about the beaconing kit for cranes, click here.


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